
Writers on the Avenue is a nonprofit organization supporting writers and the literary arts in and around Muscatine, Iowa. We meet the third Tuesday of each month and are open to writers of all ages, genres, styles, and levels of expertise. Membership is $10/year; inquiry meetings are free.

Out now from Pearl City Press

Buy your copy of ROADS WE’VE TAKEN now:

Recent Doings

April is for Poems

Join us for the monthly meeting on April 16 from 6-8 pm in room 301 of Musser Public Library

March Mayhem

WOTA will meet on March 19 from 6-8 pm in room 301 of Musser Public Library

February Fabrications

Join us for the monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 20 from 6-8 pm in room 301 of Musser Public Library.

Check out these titles from Pearl City Press!

Publications by Writers on the Avenue

A collection of poems, stories, and essays celebrating the thirty years that Writers on the Avenue has been supporting the literary arts and local writers in and around Muscatine, Iowa. With contributions from founding members, long-time and returning members, and recent members who have given the group new life, this inspiring anthology captures the breadth of talent of our region. Buy your copy now!